Anna Wintour

“No one would bother disputing the assertion that Wintour is the most powerful person in fashion, and that she exerts her power in a variety of directions, beyond editorial decisions. But what’s the impact of all that power? And, more, what’s the downside?” —Cathy Horyn, on Anna’s “60 Minutes” segment.
Well, she is fabulous...  Vogue has and forever will be my magazine of choice.  Wintour has held the position of editor-in-chief of American Vogue since 1988.  But Cathy Horyn raises a good point, what’s exactly is the impact of all that power? And, more importantly, what’s the downside?  Is there a downside?  All of us know (or perhaps we don't?), Wintour is a signature face at all the top fashion shows.  Hell, and her presence has made her an iconic figure.  I suppose her large black rimmed glasses and bob haircut don't exactly help her blend into the crowd.  Regardless, her presence at these shows aid her with ammunition to fire at us via Vogue and other publications and through the artists that she inspires.  The positive side is she's a innovative working woman who serves as the inciting cause of many independent fashionistas.  Despite her applause-worthy guidance I'm thinking maybe we shouldn't give her that much credit, after all there are many noteworthy bloggers out there who do just as good a job (if not better?).  So, in addressing the downside of Wintour's power in the fashion world that Cathy Horyn so bravely brings up, I would say that innovation is on the rise.  Younger generations have what it takes to grasp the torch from Wintour and run with it.  If blogs aren't enough evidence of this I don't know what is.  One thing I will applaud Wintour for, however, is her dedication and determination to support younger fashion designers that are on the rise...  Hmm... But what about the rest of us Anna?

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